
I don't think any operator let you send the priority parameter to their SMSC
through SMPP, if yes, they will override your value in any case. What I
suggest to you is to put all your regular traffic as lowest priority and so
your "emergency" sms with higher priority. I already using this in Kannel
and it is working perfectly whatever we got lot sms in queues.

Hope thath helps !


-----Original Message-----
From: Alejandro Guerrieri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: jeudi 13 septembre 2007 18:30
To: users@kannel.org
Subject: Re: Kannel queue management

I've been checking the source code, and so far I've found that the
priority parameter get sent into the SMPP PDU, so at least that
wouldn't help in my case, specially since the default priority is zero
(the highest, BTW).

This parameter seems to be passed "as is" to the underlying protocol.
If I have thousand of messages queued on "my side", there won't be any
difference setting the priority field.

Am I wrong? Anybody can throw some light on this?

BTW, I've found an error on the comments on the source code:

    /* check for any specified priority value in range [0-5] */
    if (cfg_get_integer(&priority, grp, octstr_imm("priority")) == -1)
        priority = SMPP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY;
    else if (priority < 0 || priority > 3)
        panic(0, "SMPP: Invalid value for priority directive in
configuraton (allowed range 0-3).");

[0-5] should say [0-3] :)

(Sorry this snippet should have gone to the devel list)



On 9/13/07, info.ubichip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> To answer your Q1 and Q4:as far as I know, the priority parameter interact
> directly with the kannel queue, that means a message with a higher
> is sent quicker than previous one. I'm using it to pass debug and
> sms in case of failure of one server.
> To determine if 0 is the highest or the lowest, you have to test or take a
> look in the source code ;-)
> BR
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alejandro Guerrieri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: jeudi 13 septembre 2007 09:45
> To: users@kannel.org
> Subject: Kannel queue management
> Hi,
> I'm facing some problems with carrier's connections due to limited
> throughput on their part.
> It's not really a kannel problem, the SMSC connection has a lower
> throughput, so at peak hours we experience message queueing.
> The problem is, we need some messages to get sent as soon as posible,
> but when we have thousands of messages queued for delivery there's a
> significant delay (it may be hours from the time of queueing).
> So my question is: is there any way to handle individual message's
> priority at sending time? My goal is to be able to enqueue some
> messages with "critical" priority and they should be sent asap.
> I've checked the user guide and found the "priority" parameter:
> priority        number   Optional. Sets the Priority value (range 0-3 is
> allowed).
> This leads to some questions:
> 1. Do this parameter affect the queuing of outgoing messages inside
> kannel as I expect it to be, or it's just a parameter being passed as
> part of the PDU?
> 2. Which priority gets set by default if the paremeter is missing?
> 3. Which one is the highest (zero I guess?)
> 4. Does it work for SMPP and HTTP connections as well?
> Thank you in advance,
> Alejandro.
> --
> Alejandro Guerrieri
> Magicom
> http://www.magicom-bcn.net/
> LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/aguerrieri
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Alejandro Guerrieri
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/aguerrieri


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