Is your phone able to use AT+CNMI command using minicom ?


If ERROR then your phone won't be able to forward SMS to kannel



2011/1/12 Helen Sang <>

> Dear Kannel users,
> I connect a Nokia E72 phone to my Fedora 7 box with a usb cable.  The port
> is ttyACM0.  mod for the device is changed to 666 with command
> chmod 666 ttyACM0
> The setup is fine to send out SMS.  When there is SMS being sent out, I can
> see the signal interaction in smsbox and bearer box.
> However, when the E72 received a SMS, bearer box has no action.  It's as if
> no event happens.
> I have read users mail archives.  Somebody has this problem before, but
> with a different phone model.  The suggest given to him is to use minicom to
> check the phone AT command spec.
> I had tried minicom.  But in minicom, the phone answer OK to AT^M and ERROR
> to all other queries.  Frankly I don't understand much of it.
> Here is my modem.conf that I config the nokiaphone:
> group = modems
> id = nokiaphone
> name = "Nokia Phone"
> detect-string = "Nokia Mobile Phone"
> need-sleep = true
> keepalive-cmd = "AT+CBC;+CSQ"
> enable-mms = true
> # detect-string = "MODEM"
> # detect-string2 = "" [Default]
>  init-string = "ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0"
> # init-string = "AT+CNMI=1,2,0,1,0;+CMEE=1"
>  speed = 9600
> # enable-hwhs = "AT+IFC=2,2" [Default]
> # need-sleep = false [Default]
> # no-pin = false [Default]
> # no-smsc = false [Default]
> # sendline-sleep = 100 [Default, miliseconds]
> # keepalive-cmd = "AT" [Default]
> # broken = false [Default]
> # message-storage = "SM"
> # enable-mms = false [Default]
> The init-string was directly copied from wvdial.
> I've stuck here for a week.  Please someone help.
> thanks and regards.

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