Problem temporary solved.

Replacing in files:
debian/contrib .devel
debian/contrib .stable

Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 4.0.0), libxml2-dev, libssl-dev, openssl, *libmysqlclient10-dev*, libpam0g-dev

to line:
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 4.0.0), libxml2-dev, libssl-dev, openssl, *libmysqlclient-dev*, libpam0g-dev

Thanks for your time and help. Good day

On 22.08.2011 10:54, Milan P. Stanic wrote:
On Mon, 2011-08-22 at 10:36, Marcin wrote:
I was trying from svn - now I've downloaded redmine files, but the
same problem with dpkg-buildpackage occures.
I'm sorry, I can't help right now.
I'm trying to rewrite Debian scripts to CDBS for Kannel to make my life
with Kannel a little easier. :)

On 22.08.2011 10:26, Milan P. Stanic wrote:
On Mon, 2011-08-22 at 02:49, Marcin Kulawinek wrote:
The second way works fine, that is why I'm very curious why
dpkg-buildpackage do not work as it should. If libraries are correct
for ./configrue&&   make&&   make install so how they can't be for
debian package tool?!

I also dislike dev. tools on production, and distro package tools
gives me nice, unified way to search and maintain installed

How can I check who wrote scripts for buildpackage? Or should I
write do dev list instead?
Which Kannel version you trying to build? I built 1.5.0 for
Debian/Ubuntu (i386 and amd64 arch) and files can be downloaded from

If you trying to build SVN version then I can't help right now. I'm
working on it these days and I hope I will finish it this week.

W dniu 2011-08-21 21:04, Milan P. Stanic pisze:
[ This is OT, but ... ]
On Fri, 2011-08-19 at 09:01, Alvaro Cornejo wrote:
Hi I don't know debian but why would you do

1. download latest trunk from svn
2. ./configure --with-mysql
3. dpkg-buildpackage

instead of

1. download latest trunk from svn
2. ./configure --with-mysql
3. make
4. make install

Maybe there is sometinng in the dpkg-buildpackage ??
There are many reasons to build software package using distribution
package tools, be it dpkg-buildpackage, rpm-build (I don't know exact
name) or package builder for other distributions or OS-es.

First is separation between development and production environment. I
don't like to install development tools (compiler, dev libs, etc...) on
production systems.

Another reason is install/remove/upgrade "clean path" using
distribution's package managers.

And there are other reasons for sure.

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On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 4:27 AM, Milan P. Stanic<>    wrote:
On Fri, 2011-08-19 at 16:14, Willy Mularto wrote:
maybe you need apt-get upgrade all -y
it will upgrade all packages. and after that try to reconfigure Kannel
No. libmyasqlclient10 is outdated in Debian/Ubuntu. It could be found in

I'm not sure how is wise to give advice to user who does not know much
about their system to go and play with package archives.

On Aug 19, 2011, at 4:01 PM, Milan P. Stanic wrote:
On Fri, 2011-08-19 at 10:31, Marcin wrote:
"E: Package 'libmysqlclient10-dev' has no installation candidate"
any ideas?
I'm not sure but I think that the libmysqlclient10 quite outdated so it
is not in the Debian/Ubuntu repository.

Kannel works quite well with libmysqlclient16 from the 1.4.3, I think.

On 19.08.2011 10:27, Willy Mularto wrote:
apt-get install package-name

On Aug 19, 2011, at 3:18 PM, Marcin wrote:


I have problem with library (libmysqlclient10-dev). Is there a way to install 
it on ubuntu 11.04 and Debian? I've found library named libmysqlclient16-dev 
but they are not compatibile.


Willy Mularto
F300HD+MR18DE (NLC1725)

Kind regards,  Milan
Arvanta, IT Security
Please do not send me e-mail containing HTML code.

Willy Mularto
F300HD+MR18DE (NLC1725)

Kind regards,  Milan
Arvanta, IT Security
Please do not send me e-mail containing HTML code.

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