For me is interesting what is reale means "DEBUG: boxc_receiver: heartbeat 
with load value 0 received".
If I received one message from dlr-url script, that means my config file is 
good? and next questions must put to SMSC?
If SMSC is configured like transceiver mode then he must transmit dlrs to me. 

Четверг,  8 августа 2013, 9:22 -04:00 от Alejandro Guerrieri 
>The first dlr doesn't come from the smsc, Kannel creates that one internally 
>on the submit_sm_resp. As long as you set the dlr-mask to 31 you should 
>receive all dlrs for that message, assuming the carrier has enabled dlrs. If 
>they didn't you'll only receive the one from kannel.
>On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 8:52 AM, dorin  < > wrote:
>>Hello Alejandro! 
>>Thank for your reply.
>>dlr - are you meaning BIND_RECEIVER and BIND_RECEIVER_RESP?
>>They told me that they use only transceiver mode. 
>>If dlrs are disabled on SMSC, I wouldn't receive nothing.
>>And I'm not shure that I recieve first dlr from SMSC.
>>All time when is started dlr-url by kannel, means that SMSC
>>When I saw logs, i paid attention on 
>>Sent SMS ...[flags:-1:0:-1:-1: 31 ]...
>>Receive DLR ...[flags:-1:-1:-1:-1: 8 ]...
>>When an SMS is sent, fifth falg (dlr_mask) goes like 31, and
        it's correct
>>But receiver have this flag set at 8.  In this way we get the status?
>>on second request dlr_mask is set to 8. 
>>Maybe this is the problem that I recieve only one time?
>>What do you think guys, the problem is clear and it goes only
        from SMSC? 
>>or maybe problem it's in Kannel?
>>I understand last log message (2013-08-08 14:07:29 [11003] [9]
        DEBUG: boxc_receiver: heartbeat with load value 0 received)
>>like SMSC returned nothig. Or im wrong?
>>On 08.08.2013 14:58, Alejandro Guerrieri wrote:
>>>The smsc must have dlrs enabled on their side as well,
          contact them and ask if it's enabled.
>>>Hope it helps,
>>>Alex Guerrieri
>>>On Aug 8, 2013, at 7:42, Dorin Aftenii < >

>>>>please please please help me!
>>>>I have a problem that I can't solve. 
>>>>I use Bearerbox -> SMSbox -> SQLBox
>>>>All works fine except DLR. I can't recieve delivery status.
>>>>Wen I send an SMS, kannel start php script from dlr-url only
            one time and return status 8 (smsc submit), after that no
            more responses.
>>>>But I expect from him other statuses: error, success. etc.
>>>>I will be grateful for any
>>>>Next I give some server configguration files and logs:
>>>>my logs:
>>>>2013-08-08 14:07:22 Sent SMS [SMSC:craftmobile] [SVC:]
            [ACT:] [BINF:] [FID: 2518700643 ] [META:] [from:89021104107]
            [to:79257405404] [flags:-1:0:-1:-1:31] [msg:15:??????$
>>>>2013-08-08 14:07:22 Receive DLR [SMSC:craftmobile] [SVC:]
            [ACT:] [BINF:] [FID: 2518700643 ] [META:] [from:89021104107]
            [to:79257405404] [flags:-1:-1:-1:-1:8] [msg:4:ACK/$
>>>>2013-08-08 14:07:22 [11003] [11] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: sms
>>>>2013-08-08 14:07:22 [11003] [11] DEBUG: send_msg: sending
            msg to boxc: <mysqlbox>
>>>>2013-08-08 14:07:22 [11003] [10] DEBUG: send_msg: sending
            msg to boxc: <mysmsbox>
>>>>2013-08-08 14:07:22 [11003] [10] DEBUG: boxc_sender: sent
            message to <>
>>>>2013-08-08 14:07:22 [11003] [9] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: got
>>>>2013-08-08 14:07:29 [11003] [9] DEBUG: boxc_receiver:
            heartbeat with load value 0 received
>>>>2013-08-08 14:07:36 [11003] [8] DEBUG: Dumping 0 messages to
>>>>2013-08-08 15:03:26 [11003] [7] DEBUG:
            clear_old_concat_parts called
>>>>Look at my configuration files kannel.conf and sqlbox.conf:
>>>>group = core 
>>>>admin-port = 13000 
>>>>admin-password = ****** 
>>>>smsbox-port = 13001 
>>>>log-file = /var/log/kannel/kannel.log 
>>>>log-level = 0 
>>>>access-log = /var/log/kannel/access_kannel.log 
>>>>store-file = /var/log/kannel/store_sms 
>>>>dlr-storage = mysql 
>>>>group = smsc 
>>>>smsc = smpp 
>>>>smsc-id = craftmobile 
>>>>host = 
>>>>port = 27703 
>>>>smsc-username = "******" 
>>>>smsc-password = ****** 
>>>>system-type = "VMA" 
>>>>log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smpp-smsc.log" log-level = 1 
>>>>dest-addr-ton = 1 
>>>>dest-addr-npi = 1 
>>>>#alt-charset = "UCS-2" 
>>>>group = smsbox 
>>>>bearerbox-host = localhost 
>>>>smsbox-id = mysmsbox 
>>>>sendsms-port = 13013 
>>>>log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log" 
>>>>log-level = 0 
>>>>group = smsbox-route 
>>>>smsbox-id = mysmsbox 
>>>>smsc-id = craftmobile 
>>>>#shortcode = 2288 
>>>>group = sendsms-user 
>>>>dlr-url =  "";
>>>>concatenation = true 
>>>>max-messages = 5 
>>>>username = **** 
>>>>password = ****** 
>>>>default-smsc = SMSC 
>>>>group = dlr-db 
>>>>id = mydlr 
>>>>table = oempro_kannel_dlr 
>>>>field-smsc = smsc 
>>>>field-timestamp = ts 
>>>>field-destination = destination 
>>>>field-source = source 
>>>>field-service = service 
>>>>field-url = url 
>>>>field-mask = mask 
>>>>field-status = status 
>>>>field-boxc-id = boxc 
>>>>group = mysql-connection 
>>>>id = mydlr 
>>>>host = localhost 
>>>>username = ******** 
>>>>password = ****** 
>>>>database = sender 
>>>>max-connections = 1 
>>>># ------ SQLBOX GROUP ------ 
>>>>group = sqlbox 
>>>>id = sqlbox-db 
>>>>smsbox-id = mysqlbox 
>>>>bearerbox-port = 13001 
>>>>smsbox-port = 13003 
>>>>smsbox-port-ssl = false 
>>>>sql-log-table = oempro_kannel_sqlbox_sent_sms 
>>>>sql-insert-table = oempro_kannel_sqlbox_send_sms 
>>>>log-file = "/var/log/kannel/sqlbox.log" 
>>>>log-level = 3 
>>>>group = mysql-connection 
>>>>id = sqlbox-db 
>>>>host = localhost 
>>>>username = ******** 
>>>>password = ********** 
>>>>database = sender 
>>>>max-connections = 1 
>>>>query that I use for sending an SMS: 
>>>>INSERT INTO oempro_kannel_sqlbox_send_sms ( 
>>>>  momt, sender, receiver, msgdata, sms_type, dlr_mask,
            dlr_url, boxc_id 
>>>>) VALUES ( 
>>>>  'MT', '8902110****', '7925740****', 'Test message', 2, 31,
>>>> ',


Dorin Aftenii

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