Bill Davidsen wrote:
> Just to be clear, I am not complaining that real cdrecord is not included,
> I'm complaining that something else which works differently is called
> cdrecord, and if I forget to put in the real thing I wind up with f___ing
> $3 Blu-Ray coasters! I don't care if it is compatible at the command line
> level, just that it is compatible at the "works correctly" level.

Don't use wodim for Blu-Ray (nor DVDs), use growisofs, that's what it's for.

K3b only ever uses cdrecord or wodim for CDs. For DVDs, and in the latest 
beta version which adds Blu-Ray support, for Blu-Ray, it uses growisofs 
instead. It does that for a reason.

        Kevin Kofler

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