Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> Just to be clear, I am not complaining that real cdrecord is not included,
>> I'm complaining that something else which works differently is called
>> cdrecord, and if I forget to put in the real thing I wind up with f___ing
>> $3 Blu-Ray coasters! I don't care if it is compatible at the command line
>> level, just that it is compatible at the "works correctly" level.
> Don't use wodim for Blu-Ray (nor DVDs), use growisofs, that's what it's for.
> K3b only ever uses cdrecord or wodim for CDs. For DVDs, and in the latest 
> beta version which adds Blu-Ray support, for Blu-Ray, it uses growisofs 
> instead. It does that for a reason.
Well, the reason appears to be that cdrecord is not available in Fedora unless 
you install it yourself, Fedora has chosen to take the respected cdrecord name 
and put wodim in its place. This seems to me as ethical as selling replica 
watches, the user get something other than what they expect.

Real cdrecord seems to work correctly for Blu-Ray, and user would be far better 
served by not having any cdrecord in a Fedora system at all, and letting 
rpmfusion provide the real thing.

I would not be unhappy without cdrecord, I can supply it. Having a program 
pretending to be cdrecord which doesn't do Blu-Ray and seems not to do SVCD (I 
only tried a few, the files worked with real cdrecord) correctly. No, not much 
demand for SVCD.

Bill Davidsen <>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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