On Fri, 2015-11-06 at 22:17 +0100, Chris Murphy wrote:
> If only /home is btrfs, it's sufficiently late that the btrfs kernel
> module doesn't need to be in the initrd. So I'd be looking at other
> failures.
> If by manual mount you mean the complete command:
> mount -t btrfs /dev/sdaX /home
> and not
> mount /home
> Then that's kinda weird for it to fail. I've been using 4.2.3 for a
> long time, up until a couple days ago, and now on 4.2.5, and have had
> no btrfs related issues at all, let alone with mounting.

The latest kernel update fixed it, whatever it was. I must say I was
surprised something like this had made it past testing without being a
blocker, but I've no idea what actually caused it. In any case, it's

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