On 09/14/2016 11:04 PM, Angelo Moreschini wrote:
My router assigns dynamically the IP addresses to the computers in the
local network.

That is a problem to use applications that require IP addresses of the
other computers in the network (i.e. managing network printers).

How to manage this problem (to use the IP addresses of computers in the
network) ?

_In other words,_ I would ask if, in linux environment, it is a
possibilitydifferent to the /setting up the router do assign static IP
addresses/,for managing this problem ( for example  using DNS...)??

Most network devices support the mdns (zeroconf, Bonjour, avahi) protocol. If your Fedora system is setup correctly, which most likely means making sure that nss-mdns is installed, you should be able to use the mdns name wherever you need it. If you know the name you setup for the printer, you should be able to ping it. If you're not sure about the name, try running "avahi-browse -a" to see what's around.
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