On 09/24/16 22:58, François Patte wrote:
> Le 24/09/2016 13:38, Ed Greshko a écrit :
>> On 09/24/16 17:49, François Patte wrote:
>>> Bonjour,
>>> I want to add an input method to ibus: so I created a new file in
>>> /usr/share/m17n and a new png icon in /usr/share/m17n/icons.
>>> I can access this new input method in ibus preferences, but the icon of
>>> this input method is not displayed when I switch to my input method...
>>> Only a gear is displayed.
>>> Does anybody know if there is some icon database to update for m17n?
>>> Thank you.
>> Are you sure that is the way you should be done?
> I am not sure at all! I did not find any docs on this subject... I also
> use math-latex input method and the corresponding  mim file is in
> /usr/share/m17n and png file in /usr/share/m17n/icons. As the math-latex
> keyboard is displayed, I thought that it was the correct way to do this.
> As it does not work for my new files, I am wondering if there is
> something like gtk-update-icon-cache to update the ibus icons?

Well, my point in writing

"I ask this since I use bopomofo for Chinese and ibus-anthy for Japanese

The tray icon for bopomofo is here 
/usr/share/ibus-libpinyin/icons/ibus-bopomofo.svg and
for ibus-anthy it is here /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ibus-anthy.svg"

Was to suggest that maybe ibus does things in a "non-standard" way.

At this point I would probably look at the rpm for one of the other input 
methods, such as
ibus-anthy, and check the post-install scripts to see if they update any icon 
database or
cache.  Potentially downloading the src rpm to see if there are clues there as 
well, may
be of value.

FWIW, ibus also seems to be using Scalable Vector Graphics for their icons.

I know I've not given a definitive answer.  Just what I would check out if I 
were in this

You're Welcome Zachary Quinto

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