> Tom Horsley writes:
> On Fri, 30 Sep 2016 10:29:51 -0400
>> Saint Michael wrote:
>> > In short, the most recent update to Centos7, makes Mariadb unable to
>> start
>> > in both versions that use systemd.
>> > This affects millions of users. I had to replace my container for a
>> Fedora
>> > 22 one, and lower ,my version of Mariadb.
>> > Does anybody of any work around?
>> I have vast numbers of things in my rc.local file to delay a
>> bit then restart services that never start correctly (mainly
>> because systemd has no idea when the network is in fact "up").
> I find that the following wait-for-network.service is fairly bulletproof:
> [Unit]
> Description=Wait for network ports to be initialized
> Before=network.target network-online.target
> After=network.service
> Wants=network.target
> [Service]
> Type=oneshot
> ExecStart=/usr/bin/true
> [Install]
> WantedBy=multi-user.target
> Then, enable this, and network-online.target.

I have this configured on my F23 machine running MythTV. This doesn't work
since I have a Ceton InfiniTV cable capture card. The card's driver
presents itself as a virtual network interface, and once that comes up,
systemd is like, "whelp, I'm done here!" and proceeds to start everything
else which requires a network connection. This means that anything which
does a "bind to all network interfaces" between the time that the virtual
network interface comes up (uSecs) and the DHCP response comes back with
the actual external network interface address (mSecs) *doesn't actually
bind to an external network interface*.

Several people have raised this on the MythTV lists and provided feedback
to the systemd developers. Last I heard their response was "this isn't
broken because we don't know that it's a virtual network interface and we
can't wait for ALL the network interfaces to come up because .... reasons.
Closed: Working As Intended."

The work-around was to buy a UPS for that machine because the #1 cause of
reboots was flaky power in our neighborhood. No reboots ~> fewer chances
for systemd to do the wrong thing.

Sadly I think the power company will fix the distribution infrastructure in
our neighborhood before systemd gets this working correctly.


> Whatever the hell that is.
> NetworkManager-wait-online.service is not enough. Whatever the hell that
> is, too.
> Speaking of that:
> # time systemctl status NetworkManager-wait-online.service
> ● NetworkManager-wait-online.service - Network Manager Wait Online
>   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager-wait-online.service;
> d
>   Active: active (exited) since Sat 2016-09-24 09:51:13 EDT; 6 days ago
>     Docs: man:nm-online(1)
>  Process: 1072 ExecStart=/usr/bin/nm-online -s -q --timeout=30
> (code=exited, st
> Main PID: 1072 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
>    Tasks: 0 (limit: 512)
>   CGroup: /system.slice/NetworkManager-wait-online.service
> Sep 24 09:51:04 octopus.email-scan.com systemd[1]: Starting Network
> Manager Wait
> Sep 24 09:51:13 octopus.email-scan.com systemd[1]: Started Network
> Manager Wait
> real    0m12.133s
> user    0m0.016s
> sys     0m0.063s
> I'll give two seconds of credit for me hitting Enter (because, for some
> reason, systemctl apparently pipes its output to "less").
> But the end result that it takes ten seconds for systemd to tell me the
> status of a single service.
> That's state-of-the-art system management, for you.
> For all the bombast about systemd being the future of system management,
> it is utter. complete. total. unquestionable. crap.
> I have no axe to grind. I am not involved with either systemd, or any
> competing project, if there is one. I have no personal grudges with anyone
> involved with systemd. Aside from Poettering, I can't even give you even
> one other name who's involved with it.
> I just call them as I see them.
> And as much as it pains me to say this: $dayjob$ just rolled out Linux as
> a supported platform for employees' laptops, to complement Windows 7 and
> Macs. Their distribution image is the systemd-free Ubuntu 14, despite us
> being a CentOS shop. The reason is very simple: after I type in the
> password to unlocks the LUKS-encrypted partition, it takes about three
> seconds to get to the KDM prompt. After logging in, the KDE Plasma
> workbench is ready for user action in about three more seconds. I'm
> depressed.
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