On 05Mar2018 18:38, Ranjan Maitra <mai...@email.com> wrote:
I am on a single-account F27 system with an user id 1000. I want to change this user id. From what I understand, I should do the following:

sudo usermod -u 54321 <username>

However, when I do this, I get:
usermod: user <username> is currently used by process 866

usermod might have some kind of -f (force) option. Or maybe not, see the manual.

I guess that this has to do with the fact that I am logged in (to do this). How 
do I get around this point? There is no root on the system but I do have sudo 

On a single user system the accounts are usually defined by the /etc/passwd file (and /etc/shadow etc). So you could run:

 sudo vipw

and edit your user id in the passwd file directly.

Separately, I want all my files and directory owned by 1000 to move to this user id 
(so that I can have access)? Is this automatic or do I have to run chown -R 
<username> etc?

I would run chown myself. You also need to look in the mail spool.

 chown -R 54321 ~your_username

Note the "~", you need to hand your home directory path to the chown command. Of course, after the "vipw" step you could just say:

 chown -R your_username ~your_username

because that should look up your new id.

There may be more files in a few places in the system (really, very few). /var/spool/mail might have a mail file.


 find /var -user 1000 -ls

might be illuminating.

If you have NFS mounted directories in which you have made files, you will need to go after them also, and so forth.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au> (formerly c...@zip.com.au)
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