> On Mar 6, 2018, at 2:19 PM, Tony Nelson <tonynel...@georgeanelson.com> wrote:
>> On 18-03-05 21:30:17, Bill Shirley wrote:
>> ...
>> 5) run:
>>   sudo find / -xdev -uid 1000 -exec chown bob {} \;
> ...
> I've done (something like) as root:
>    chown --recursive --no-dereference --from=1000 bob /home/bob/
>    chown --recursive --no-dereference --from=:1000 : ...

I’ve done this many times using Tony’s two account approach. At work we have 
assigned user and group IDs. Users often install Linux using defaults and 
wonder why NFS won’t let them see their files.

George N 
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