I tried the socat logging 3 ways, all as root.

1. socat -v tcp-l:143 openssl:localhost:993 2>evolog.txt
After entering that, I launched Evolution, and created a new local e-mail 
account.  When that was done, I quitted Evolution, and then terminated the 
socat by entering CTRL-C in the terminal.  No messages showed up in the 
terminal, and evolog.txt was empty.

2. socat -v tcp-l:143 openssl:localhost:993
After entering that, I launched Evolution, and created a new local e-mail 
account.  When that was done, I quitted Evolution, and then terminated the 
socat by entering CTRL-C in the terminal.  No messages showed up in the 

3. socat -v tcp-l:143 openssl:imap.mail.yahoo.com:993 2>evolog.txt
After entering that, I launched Evolution, and entered the info. for the yahoo 
e-mail account that I use for this list.  When that was done and the account 
was done loading, I quitted Evolution, and then terminated the socat by 
entering CTRL-C in the terminal.  No messages showed up in the terminal, and 
evolog.txt was empty.

I'll examine the info on Evolution logging that Patrick pointed to, and then 
try that.
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