On 04/06/2018 10:37 AM, D. Hugh Redelmeier wrote:
> | From: SternData <subscribed-li...@sterndata.com>
> | Version 3.0 was released the other day.  Are there plans to update the
> | version in the repos?  I don't see anything in updates-testing.
> I'm looking forward to it because some gnucash bugs were caused by
> using an old version of webkit and 3.0 moves to a newer version.
> I tried to build it myself, under Fedora 27.
> It came with no .spec file.  That's fine: I'd like to keep the old
> version while playing with the new one, so creating and installing a
> .rpm is probably not the way for me to go.  Still, it would be nice to
> have a .spec.  On the other hand, each distro using a .spec would
> probably need a different one -- too bad.
> A README talks about a .spec, but it is quite quite old and not even
> included in the distributed tarball.
> <https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/maint/packaging/README.RPM>
> The documentation for building under Fedora is quite wrong.  It seems
> to assume that you've installed a source RPM (for build dependencies)
> and then doesn't use that .spec.  Of course the real build
> dependencies might well be different from those in the old .spec.
> <https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Building#Fedora>
> Building under F27 fails because it needs "gwen3.gui-gtk3" but Fedora
> 27 doesn't have such a thing.  I presume that that was added to
> Gwenhyfar after the version in F27.  (A Welsh name for a package
> distributed from a German banking software site.)
> <https://www.aquamaniac.de/sites/download/packages.php?package=01&showall=1>

Download the source RPM and install it. There will be a .spec file in
the SPECS directory (~<username>/rpmbuild/SPECS/<pkgname>.spec) that you
can borg (assimilate and modify) to build a new RPM.

The documentation you're referring to is old, but not "wrong". It shows
how the spec file and its macros work to build that example code. Having
said that, building RPMs is not a trivial task and understanding how the
.spec file interacts with rpmbuild(8), its defaults and the various
macros specific to Fedora and the architecture you're using can be
very confusing. Once learned, it's a useful skill. It took me a while
to learn how to build RPMs. I've been doing it for years now, but I'd be
lying if I said I'm a pro at it. I know enough to make me very, VERY
dangerous. However, should you decide to give it a whirl and are
successful, I'm sure other GnuCash users would love you!

> Next plan: try gnucash of F28 beta.

That may also work, but with the understanding that it might be
dependent on newer packages available only in F28 and you still may be
unable to use it.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
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-        Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity.       -
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