Beartooth <> writes:

>>>> Does taking out "rhgb" from the boot command line do what you want?
>>>     It doesn't seem to.
>> Try removing "rhgb" and "quiet". The following Ansible rule [...]
>       Still no joy on either non-GUI PC

That is weird.

> I don't have Ansible installed (and from the Wikipedia article, it
> seems way over my head).

Ansible is there only to automate things, it does not change the end
result. Simply described, my process is

1. remove kernel parameters rhgb and quiet from /etc/default/grub
2. run
   /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg

But if you already tried removing these parameters "by hand," this
probably does not help.

All the best,

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