Ed Greshko writes:

On 11/11/18 9:06 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 11/11/18 8:35 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> On 11/11/18 6:31 PM, Marco Guazzone wrote:
>>> If I open LibreOffice and leave the mouse pointer over a recent document preview image,
>>> this image starts blinking.
>>> A similar issue happens if I leave the mouse pointer over a menu icon (e.g., open a >>> document and move the mouse pointer over the "Save" button; the image will start
>>> flickering).
>>> This issue is not present under GNOME (I tried both in the Wayland and the X.org version
>>> of GNOME).
>> It also happens in KDE.  So, not related to Xfce. 
>> Should probably should check under MATE.
> FYI, the flickering is fixed if I install libreoffice-kde4.  However, another problem > happens if I change to Chinese input with ibus and try to enter Chinese text.  LibreOffice will crash.
Erasing libreoffice-gtk3 will stop the flickering on KDE and allow me to enter Chinese.  Using libreoffice-gtk2 instead of libreoffice-gtk3 does cause issues with the display of some fonts in previously created documents.  So, I'm not sure which is worse.  The flickering or having to fix previous documents.  Probably the flickering I can live with

Yeah, I see this. If I move the pointer inside the icon, but still within the icon's area, the flickering stops. After I stop, half a second later the flickering comes back.

The flicking seems to be caused by repeated rendering of the pointer focus border around the icon, and the icon's gradient background, when the pointer is on top of it. Also, with no mouse movement, the mouse pointer itself seems to occasionally jump about a dozen pixels diagonally, before snapping back to its actual position.

Something is losing track of the mouse pointer and thinks it moved away, draws the icon as if it's no longer under the pointer, then realizes that no, the pointer is where it should be, so the icon should still be highlighted.

top shows libreoffice's process eating 12% CPU, and X itself adds another 15% on top of it.

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