On 10/16/19 4:14 AM, home user wrote:
question 1: Can I delete "/home/sysyem-upgrade"?  I'm fully done with it, 
right?  (yes, I know it's only a few bytes)


question 2: How do I unlink (decouple) "/var/lib/dnf/system-upgrade" and "/home/system-upgrade".  I looked at the "ln" man page, and didn't see anything to do that.

rm /var/lib/dnf/system-upgrade   deletes the link.

FWIW, as noted by Samuel, removing packages won't buy you much.

You may wish to show how much space you have on / and how much is used.  Then 
go about finding what
areas take up the majority of space.  There may be a GUI tool for that but I 
can't think of it at 4AM.
I can only think of "du -s *" used at various points.

You may find you have old files that could be deleted.

For example, if you use the akmod package for nVidia drivers they are 
automatically rebuilt on each
new kernel.  But the directory where the rpm's are kept 
(/var/cache/akmods/nvidia) isn't clean up and will
grow with time.

The key to getting good answers is to ask good questions.
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