> To remove cached metadata and transaction use 'dnf system-upgrade clean'
> The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful 
> transaction.
> You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.
> -----
> My sense is that those two dnf commands are things the sys.admin. does 
> if something goes wrong and he has to back-track (or start over).  Am I 
> correct, or should I do those?  By the way, the dnf man page makes no 
> mention of a system-upgrade command.

And who is the "sys.admin" and does the "sys.admin"-tasks on your box ?

according to this link:

there is no explanation of 'dnf system-upgrade clean' !

so what it really does I don't know, but (I guess) it mainly removes stuff you 
don't need anymore ! 
stuff that was only necessary for the upgrade process/task. I guess mainly 
packages which are installed or somewhat better: the contents of these packages 
is copied to their target directories (see below).

for 'dnf clean packages' 

the command cleans under /var/cache/dnf/ and this directory is filled/updated 
(again !!!) during any run of "sudo dnf upgrade"

so if you clean there there is no harm !

why ?

a try of an explanation:
lets say you want upgrade/install a package and let's say it's name is 
let's assume it contains mainly configuration files for the target directory 

if you do "dnf upgrade" or "dnf install config.rpm" mainly two tasks are 
a) config.rpm is downloaded (!) to /var/cache/dnf
b) config.rpm is installed (!), what mainly means it's contents is "copied" to 
it's target directory /etc 

after both tasks there is no need to keep the packages "config.rpm" under 
/var/cache/dnf/ anymore.
after installation it has done it's purpose !

with other packages it works analogous -maybe other target directories are 

Okay ?
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