On 10/15/19 3:13 PM, home user wrote:
-bash.14[/]: du -hx -d1 /
23G    /var
4.0K    /system-upgrade-root
4.0K    /srv
17G    /usr
16K    /lost+found
51M    /etc
4.0K    /sysroot
4.0K    /mnt
1.4G    /root
4.0K    /media
238M    /opt
4.0K    /.cache
41G    /

starting questions
1. What else do you want to know to effectively help?
2. A good specific first step?
Please: one step at a time!

You're not likely to find much to clean up in /usr, but the /var one looks likely. The next step would be do "du -hx -d1 /var" and see where the space is used in the next level. Keep doing that with lower directories until you understand what's using the space. Something fun and maybe useful is to try running "du -h | sort -hr | head -20". That will give you the top 20 directories for disk usage.

What I would recommend is just using the Gnome disk analyzer. The only difficulty is that for it to be fully useful, it needs to run as root which may not work if you're running Wayland. Run "sudo baobab" from a terminal. If that doesn't work, then try choosing the "Gnome on Xorg" option from the login screen. (Click the gear after clicking on your name before entering the password.)
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