On 10/16/19 10:13 AM, home user wrote:
Well, I simply did "su -", and then "baobab".  Unfortunately, I can't directly put that 
into a post in this list, and fpaste doesn't take images (screen captures).  So I manually typed up the data 
in a text file.  I added output from "du -h | sort -hr | head -20" (wow, are you a plumber?!) and 
fpasted it.  It's here:

That gives me a foggy view of what's hogging the space, but I have too little 
feel what can go, what is risky to delete, and what must stay.

2 things pop out to me.

You have a /var/cache/PackageKit/28 directory structure.  Since you're at F30 
you should also have a
/var/cache/PackageKit/30 directory structure which is now being used.  So, the 
28 is no longer being
used and can be removed.

[egreshko@acer PackageKit]$ pwd
[egreshko@acer PackageKit]$ ls

Is all I have on my F30 systems.

And then,


That most likely contains a bunch of core files that are no longer needed.

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