On Thu, 16 Apr 2020 14:07:21 -0700 stan via users 
<users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> On Thu, 16 Apr 2020 08:41:22 -0500
> Ranjan Maitra <mai...@email.com> wrote:
> > The reason I need this is because the Cisco icon (that I need for VPN
> > because of required third-party 2FA) is very tiny and almost
> > impossible to see. It is time-consuming and distracting to constantly
> > have to hover over the icon to see whether it says Connected and
> > Disconnected.
> >
> > So, I am thinking of a small script that will check every second
> > (say) if VPN is on or off and then display accordingly. The script
> > part, I think I can write on my own. It is what th script will
> > do/call that i am having trouble with. So any suggestions as to what
> > I could do.
> Ed gave you the way to find out if it is connected.  I found this on
> the web and use it as a quick timer when I want to be notified after a
> period of time. Start it from an xterm.  It appears in whatever window
> you are currently working in. You should be able to trigger it with your
> logic.  Hard to miss.  Try it.
> sleep 1s && date && xterm -bg red -fg yellow -g 80x40

So, I was able to hack out a python script (I don't really know python) which 
does the blinking red. Blinking green is trivial after this. Here is the script 
(below). I am now thinking of writing the whole thing in python as a single 
script. Btw, how do I put this "window/indicator" into the system tray?

Thanks for the help and suggestions!

Best wishes,

#!/usr/bin/env python

import pygame
import time

WHITE =     (255, 255, 255)
BLUE =      (  0,   0, 255)
GREEN =     (  0, 255,   0)
RED =       (255,   0,   0)
TEXTCOLOR = (  0,   0,  0)
(width, height) = (40, 40)

running = True

background_color = WHITE

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))

while running:
    pygame.draw.circle(screen, RED, (20, 20), 20)
    pygame.draw.circle(screen, WHITE, (20, 20), 20)

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