On Mon, 04 May 2020 11:10:06 -0700, Samuel Sieb wrote:

> Then let's skip the whole live boot thing and do it the easy way. :-)

        I shut it down, removed the live medium, and let it boot F 31.

> Can you explain what you meant by "blank flashing panels"? 

        This didn't happen this time, praise whatever gods there be!

        For the record, I saw two panels, devoid of icons, flashing fast 
and brightly, one on each side of the display.

> It's quite likely that we've been trying to solve the wrong problem.   
> Do you get a login screen?  

        Yes. I opened a terminal which gave me this prompt:

        [beartooth@localhost-live ~]$ 

> Can you login?  

        Yes, with a lot of little boxes complaining about various applets 
and  offering to remove them. I told it not to. Then I did su - and it 
took my regular root password.

        So I opened Firefox to the Fedoramagazine page for upgrading by 
CLI, and started copying & pasting as usual. It got as far as trying to 
download F 32.

         Then I got "Problem: The operation would result in removing the 
following protected packages: sudo, systemd, systemd-udev (try to add --
skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)

        So I added it, and got the identical problem message again. And 
there it sits; but at least this time it's a different problem.
Beartooth Staffwright, Not Quite Clueless Power User
Remember I know little (precious little!) of where up is.
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