On 25/11/2021 10:08, Tim via users wrote:
See my prior email about "why should we have to do this, it's the

In all seriousness, if a distro wants people to use it, don't make
them do deep forensics to figure out how to install drivers.  The
computer should be doing this analysis for you.

John Pilkington:
I think you misunderstand the way open source works.

I don't think so, unless you're trying to be funny.  We don't have to
do any of this pallaver for other several other graphics chipsets,
audio chipsets, USB chipsets, WiFi, etc.  The system figures it out for
us.  It was one of the great features of Linux of an install often
"just working" without any user jiggery pokery.

That's obviously desirable. But *someone* needs to do the work to make it happen. Who? For what reward? If you want to use a card that will cost you multi$$, it just may be worth Reading the Manual - once.
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