> Am 30.03.2023 um 06:45 schrieb Ranjan Maitra <mlmai...@gmx.com>:
> Hi,
> I am trying to modify my /etc/fstab to mount a drive (where I want to place a 
> backup). From looking at the current setup created by anaconda, it looks like 
> I have to setup using UUID or LABEL (however these seem to be blank, see 
> below).

Don’t worry about UUID. There is no consistent rule how to specify a drive in 
fstab. And various Fedora tools handle it differently and you will have a mix 
of UUID or /dev/xxx specification.

> First, my setup.
> I have one SSD that has / and all the partitions associated with it.
> I have three additional drives, two of which are hardware (for historical 
> reasons) RAIDed, and have /home 

As it looks, sda and sdc are software raid. If you had a hardware raid, all 
disks attached to the hardware raid controller show up as one drive.  But 
doesn’t matter as long as it works.
> in them, and a third new drive that is  a "free agent" (sorry for not knowing 
> the correct term, but I hope that I can convey the meaning).
> I want this to be mounted at boot as /mnt/whatever (I have verified that this 
> mount-point has been created and exists).
> So, I look at my /dev/disk/by-disk-seq and see:
> ~$ ls
> 1@  2@  4@  5@  6@
> ~$ ll *
> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 9 Mar 29 14:01 1 -> ../../sda
> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 9 Mar 29 14:01 2 -> ../../sdb
> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 9 Mar 29 14:01 4 -> ../../sdc
> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 9 Mar 29 14:01 5 -> ../../sr0
> OK, there is an a, b and c. The d is the first drive that has the /, the sr0 
> is the swap, and the a, b and c are the three drives.
> It appears to me that the sda and sdc are the ones raided (they have the same 
> UUID and also lsblk indicates so (I have made up the part numbers here, for 
> security). I have to say that I expected sda and sdb to be the RAIDed drives, 
> I thought that sdc would be the new one that has been put in. But perhaps I 
> am wrong in my understanding.
> Anyway, 
> $ lsblk -f
> NAME        FSTYPE          FSVER  LABEL UUID              FSAVAIL FSUSE% 
> sda         isw_raid_member 1.3.00                                            
>   sda1      ext4            1.0          xxxxx                
>   md126                                                                       
>     md126p1 ext4            1.0          xxxxx             116.3G    8% /home
>   md127                                                                       
> sdb                                                                           
> sdc         isw_raid_member 1.3.00                                            
>   sdc1      ext4            1.0          xxxxx                
>   md126                                                                       
>     md126p1 ext4            1.0          xxxxx             116.3G    8% /home
>   md127                                                                       
> sdd                                                                           
>   sdd1      vfat            FAT32        E56F-E0D8                            
>   sdd2      ext4            1.0          yyyyy             595.9M    8% /boot
>   sdd3      vfat            FAT32        1616-D18F         933.7M     2% 
> /boot/efi
>   sdd4      ext4            1.0          uuuuu             43.2G     0% /tmp
>   sdd5      ext4            1.0          vvvvv             43.2G     0% 
> /usr/local
>   sdd6      swap            1            wwwww                [SWAP]
>   sdd7      ext4            1.0          zzzzz             76.3G    14% /
> sr0                                                                           
> zram0                                                                         
>                [SWAP]
> But, my problem is that /dev/sdb does not appear to have a UUID number. 
> Indeed, I get nothing back when I try:

At first you have to create a partition and a file system on the new drive, 
which seems to be /dev/sdb. (After that you should see UUIDs).

What says

cfdisk /dev/sdb ?

If you can, create a partition and afterwards a filesystem. Then try e.g.
mount -t xfs|ext4   /dev/sdb1   /mnt 

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