On Mon, 03 Apr 2023 00:00:19 -0400
Ranbir <m3fr...@thesandhufamily.ca> wrote:

> In GNOME, the font used is bigger, the window borders are thicker,
> buttons are bigger and there just seems to be more padding around
> everything. I don't understand why windows in GNOME have such a thick
> top bar. The Windows GUI in comparison is tighter and more compact
> (overall).
> It's obviously a stylistic choice that GNOME has made. I just find it
> bulky and almost cartoonish. It's a clean look, for sure, but huge.
> Did any of that help in understanding what I meant?

Makes sense.  I don't use Gnome because I like the minimal desktop
experience, and I am not a power user.  I have been using LXDE, even
though it is officially deprecated.  I recently gave LXQT a try, and it
seems to have a conflict with LXDE (probably the window manager, since
LXDE is GTK and LXQT is qt), because after I tuned it, I couldn't
restart LXDE with my main user. I decided to just keep using LXQT as my
main desktop.  I still use LXDE for other logins / users.  My point
here is that every desktop requires tuning to make it optimal for a
user, and they have the tools to do so. In LXQT they are mostly
accessed through preferences -> Appearance (I remember since I used
them recently :-) )

I would be very surprised if Gnome doesn't have ways to tune the look
and feel of their desktop if both LXDE and LXQT, minimal desktops, do.
And I think the same would apply to XFCE, Cinnamon, Mate, and KDE. 
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