Once upon a time, Thomas Cameron <thomas.came...@camerontech.com> said:
> Yeah, that's why I was hoping there was maybe some magic in the
> vendor-class-identifier response that I could use. It would make
> life a LOT easier.

All the DHCP communication happens before shim is loaded (and then it's
too late to change), so all you can see is the base hardware info.  If
you know your hardware, you could configure MAC addresses in your DHCP
config to control the response, pointing to a different shim/config
depending on which MAC is requesting.

Otherwise, I suppose you might be able to do something odd like serve up
one shim/config via TFTP and a different one via HTTP, so you could
choose UEFI PXE for one OS and UEFI HTTP for the other.  It would
probably be confusing after the fact though.

Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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