Once upon a time, Thomas Cameron <thomas.came...@camerontech.com> said:
> I really wish that there was something in the OS that would identify
> itself when it sends a DHCP broadcast.

Again, the DHCP request that gets a response "use this file" comes from
the firmware, not the OS.

It goes something like:

- BIOS/UEFI configured for network boot sends DHCP request
- DHCP server says "use this file (aka shim)"
- BIOS/UEFI loads that file and runs it
- shim loads grub2 or pxelinux, they get their configs/menus
- you choose an OS to load
- grub2/pxelinux fetches kernel and checks the signature and fails it it
  doesn't match

The step that has to change between Fedora and RHEL is step #2, when the
DHCP says "use this file", and at that point, the only thing involved is
the BIOS/UEFI firmware.  The only available info at that point is some
very minimal hardware info like the MAC address.  After that, it's too
late to change.
Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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