Since my previous post, I tried gnome with X11.
This time I got a useful message: no H.264 decoder.
I installed the decoder.
Videos will play videos on both wayland and X11.
Firefox only on X11.

On Thu, 12 Oct 2023, Roger Heflin wrote:

mesa is what provides opengl.

Best guess is:
mesa-dri-drivers, mesa-vdpau-drivers and mesa-va-drivers-freeworld
that have video drivers, but also some other mesa pieces that provide
opengl may need to be install (or installing the above may install
those extra pieces).

glxgears and glxinfo will tell you the opengl install state.

This is the mesa stuff I have installed:
$ sudo dnf list installed 'mesa-*'
[sudo] password for hennebry: Installed Packages
mesa-dri-drivers.x86_64                   23.1.8-1.fc38                 @updates
mesa-filesystem.x86_64                    23.1.8-1.fc38                 @updates
mesa-libEGL.x86_64                        23.1.8-1.fc38                 @updates
mesa-libGL.x86_64                         23.1.8-1.fc38                 @updates
mesa-libgbm.x86_64                        23.1.8-1.fc38                 @updates
mesa-libglapi.x86_64                      23.1.8-1.fc38                 @updates
mesa-libxatracker.x86_64                  23.1.8-1.fc38                 @updates
mesa-va-drivers.x86_64                    23.1.8-1.fc38                 @updates
mesa-vulkan-drivers.x86_64                23.1.8-1.fc38                 @updates
$ gvim
I note no vdpau.
From lspci:
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82Q33 Express Integrated 
Graphics Controller (rev 02)
Should I install vdpau?
I'm not sure whether vdpau works with Intel graphics.
glxinfo shows lots of visuals, all with None or Slow in the last column.
Should I sudo dnf install 'mesa-*' ?

On Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 9:17?AM Michael Hennebry
<> wrote:

Can anyone play videos on F38?
If so, how did you do it?

Firefox in uncommunicative when it will not play a video.
Videos says "cannot initialise OpenGL support".

I'm late for supper.

"I was just thinking about the life of a pumpkin.
Grow up in the sun, happily entwined with others,
and then someone comes along, cuts you open, and rips your guts out." -- Buffy
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