On 24 Oct at 01:05, Dave Close <d...@compata.com> wrote:
> That's one of the reasons I find consumer "routers" to be barely worthy
> of the name. They're really wifi access points with some routing things
> built in.

And the WiFi usually isn't that great. And the firmware usually isn't that
great. And...well.

> I'd say get a good WAP and a separate router that can really
> do what a router should be able to do. The ERX I mentioned does not
> include any wifi (though I think Ubiquiti does make more expensive units
> which do both).

I'm too old-school Unix; I still think "do one thing, and do it well"
should be a mantra. (I know, no longer PC in this age of--ugh--systemd.)

So get a cable modem that can be put in bridge mode (or, as in the case of
Comcast with a static IP, as close as possible). Get a good hardware
firewall--either an appliance, or RYO in Fedora or your distro of choice.
Get one or more meshable WAPs. Yes, Ubiquiti UniFi is still the most
professional-grade that's close to retail pricing, even after their price

        Dave Ihnat
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