On 1/16/24 23:38, Samuel Sieb wrote:
On 1/16/24 23:06, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
On 1/16/24 22:48, Samuel Sieb wrote:
On 1/16/24 21:38, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
On 1/16/24 20:36, Samuel Sieb wrote:
I gave you detailed instructions on this in an earlier email.
But you only need to do this once. Once it's setup, you don't use the QR code again.  The program will keep giving you those codes when you need them.

I think it never got here or it went over my head.


Would you repeat it?


Copied with a slight edit:

On 1/16/24 01:18, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
 > Fedora 39
 > I do not have a stinkin' smart phone.
 > I scanned a QR code to drive and read it with zbarimg.
 > (it is a security code so I doctored the result up a lot).
 > zbarimg Screenshot_2024-01-04_16-08-43.png
 > QR-Code:otpauth://abcd/efgh:123445566?secret=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNONP&issuer=abcd.com

The "abcd" part should be "totp", meaning it's a time-based code.
If there aren't any other parameters, it should be the usual 6-digits with 30 second change interval.

 > On a stinking smart phone, it brings back a six digit code.
 > How do I duplicate this in Fedora?

You need a program that can handle OTP codes.  There are at least two in the Fedora repo: "keysmith" and "numberstation".  I think they only need the "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNON" part after "secret=".

numberstation wanted to setup the kde keyring, but keysmith seemed like it would work right away.

I did see that.  I installed both.  Could not figure out how to
load the qr code into the to get the number back.  They both
looked like they generated the QR code, not extracted it.
I may be wrong though.

You're still misunderstanding.  You are not extracting the *number*.

Here's a real example otpauth url that you would get from the QR code:

I can run keysmith, so I'll give you the very specific instructions for that.  I assume you've already setup the access password for the program.

Click the add button.
Fill in the account name and issuer as you want.  It's just for your reference.
The account type is time-based.
The secret key is the part between "?secret=" and the following "&".  In my example, this would be "AUSJD7LZ5H27TAC7NW2IJMATDMVDUPUG". You can click on the details button if you want, but don't change anything in there. Click the add button and you will go back to the main screen and your entry will have a 6-digit number beside and a timer bar showing when it will change again.

When the website asks you for the 2FA value, you can click on the number which will copy it to the clipboard and then you can paste it on the website.  Or type it out if you want.

This is exactly what the OTP app on the phone will do as well.

Thank you!
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