On 20.01.2024 20:39, Tim via users wrote:
On Sat, 2024-01-20 at 20:00 +0100, Walter H. via users wrote:
buy an iPhone ...

exact this what you want is the other way of it sense;

2FA = 2 Factor Authentication

example you login on a site, there you have the knowledge of

user and password

and then the 2nd factor, which is a OTP

when you really do this with your fedora, then there is NO 2nd factor,
because when your fedora gets compromised, the 2FA gets compromised, too
That's one of my gripes about two-factor authentication - it
(typically) uses your phone.  Steal someone's phone, and it's
everything they need to pretend to be you.

not really, because, the knowledge of user and password is somewhere else;

so neither the person who stole your phone (the 2FA device) nor you are able to login;

you should not use the phone as all in one:
- the login device,
- the 2FA device and also
- the password manager device

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