On 1/24/2011 1:43 PM, JB wrote:
> I am looking at that dmesg posted by you - CentOS had some errors too.
> We have to reset the kernel line and run it again with max verbose debugging.
> Please reset kernel parameters to only the ones needed for debugging (and keep
> them always), remove anything else:
> ignore_loglevel enforcing=0 initcall_debug
> Run it.
> JB

     i tried that and posted the results of that in my last e-mail.  It 
hangs at the same spot, after detecting the main drive and CD-ROM.  If I 
add the irqpoll, it hangs even earlier on.  And while CentOS might've 
run into errors, at least it knew to move on and work.  FC14 just hangs, 
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