On 1/25/2011 5:41 AM, JB wrote:
> Check the board's BIOS date.
> In Bugzilla 665109 they claim that this board can have old or incomplete BIOS.
> Does it seem to be outdated ? Is there any update on manufacturer's or
> reseller's web site ?
> I would look at the BIOS settings too (sometimes their "automatic" settings
> work better than our manual ones).
> JB

     Well, that was a major pain in the you-know-what.  Sheesh.  Intel 
only provides floppy BIOS updates for this board (considering how old it 
is, I don't blame them.)  So I had to find a a floppy drive, find a 
floppy, and do all the run around with that just to update the BIOS from 
1.7 to 1.13 ... Changes?  Not on the surface, but about to go try and 
boot FC13 now.  Stay tuned ...
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