On Tuesday, January 25, 2011 06:43:27 pm JB wrote:
> Thirdly, stick around the thread for many days (even weeks) - there is
> a good chance somebody will have time (like Lamar next week) and come up
> with a good idea.

Given what I've seen of Ashley's symptoms, it may be more BIOS related than 
chipset related, and I think the only OSB4 chipset board with a PC-style BIOS I 
have is the FORCE CPCI one; I checked my other boxen that are currently 
running, and the only other ServerWorks board I have up right now is a Dell 
1600SC server, and it's an OSB5.

I think I have four boxen with dual PIII's that probably have OSB4's, but they 
are oddballs that boot into Sun-style OpenPROM x86 (Network Appliance 
NetCaches; would love to get a Linux on them, but, AFAIK (and I'd love to be 
shown that I'm wrong), only the SPARC Linux distributions can boot from 
OpenPROM (used on virtually all Sun SPARC boxen) and don't have a PC-style 
BIOS).  And even then if it's a BIOS issue that won't help any.

As the ancient troubleshooting axiom goes 'to fix a problem you must find the 
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