On 04/15/2011 10:14 AM, Colin Paul Adams wrote:
>>>>>> "Eric" == Eric Mesa<ericsbinarywo...@gmail.com>  writes:
>      Colin>      It turns out that the dependency name is wrong!.
>      Colin>  Actually, what i needed was kmod-wl and kmod-wl
>      Colin> This is  REALLY weird (and plain unworkable,
>      Colin>  almost).
>      Colin>      Anyway, my network is working again.
>      Eric>  That's what someone mentioned might be the issue with my Acer
>      Eric>  Aspire One and its broadcom drivers.  Did you just manually
>      Eric>  find the dependency you really needed or did a yum update fix
> I manually found it. What I was doing was googling on my desktop
> machine, copying the found rpm to a USB stick, plugging that into my
> notebook, and trying the rpm command.
> Yum update isn't an option with no working network.
>      Eric>  it?  Also, did you report the bug?
> I don't know that there's necessarily a bug involved. The problem is
> that yum update will update the kernel, but as I had to use this
> procedure to install the driver in the first place (no network, so i
> cound't use yum - catch 22), yum might not be
> looking for the broadcom driver in the first place.
> Perhaps I could NOW try a yum install (with an option to force install
> already installed packages), and that would future-proof me until next
> time I install from scratch.
On Drivers that need to be updated with the kernel may not happen when 
kernel is updated , and the next time around when you do a "yum update" 
they get updated.

I assume you do have the rpmfusion.rpms installed ?
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