On 10/15/2012 4:57 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:

I am nearly certain this is accidental triggering of SLOW KEYS , a feature to assist the physically impaired. It gets triggered if you rest your finger on the shift key for 10 seconds. The kb is not dead, but slow. Rest finger in shift 10 seconds again, slow keys turns off. Ways exist to reconfigure, there is a long bug report in the reshot bugzilla. I can't send link from this phone, but you should search . You'll find my name );


Thanks for the reply. I have tried all the tests suggested regarding slow keys and nothing has come up positive. Multiple times this has happened while typing at a speed better than hunt and peck but slower than full-on "proper touch typing". I'll check out your suggestion with a search, but I am more inclined to believe it is related to X as others have suggested.

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