On 07/09/2013 03:21 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
On 07/09/2013 12:08 PM, Temlakos wrote:

It does, actually. It upgrades whatever packages you have installed.
That is, /if/ you use a straight network upgrade. I think the mistake
someone made was to upgrade from .iso as well as network.

Oh, good. I remember that the last time I used the old preupgrade, it defaulted back to Gnome 3, even though I had Xfce selected before. Of course, that was before something went mung and I had to reinstall, leaving Gnome out completely. I think it was the only time I ever actually used Gnome 3, and that was only long enough to figure out how to log out and correct it.

Maybe you still haven't used fedup yet. The fedup-cli command needs to know one thing, if you tell it nothing else: where to find the new versions of the software. I used network.

And then it examined every package I had, and simply looked on the network for the version from F19. And that included looking into every repository I was set up to use with yum.

When it was done, it said to reboot.

That's the part that took me a long time--two and one-half hours. But at the end of it, I was still using KDE, and had my existing background and other setups.

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