On 01/07/14 20:03, Jake Dancer wrote:
> Update.   Now that I know where Gnome keeps my favorites information, I made 
> a copy of this database file, then started removing entries from my 
> favorites.  The icons resize feature is still working.  I got down to a 
> single icon, which I could not remove.  (There was no option to remove the 
> last icon available.)  I then removed the "user" file completely and 
> rebooted.  The "user" file returned with the single icon I had left.  There 
> must be another copy of the information from this file somewhere else.  Any 
> ideas where?  I then began adding icons into my favorites selection.  Each 
> icron was added to the bottom of the chain, as they should.  As the favorites 
> icron chain got to the bottom of the screen, the chain scrolled off the 
> bottom.  I could still add icons but I could not see the bottom 3, or so, 
> icons that I added last.  As I added even more icons, the chain resized to 
> use smaller icons, but I still could not see the bottom 3.  It us almost as 
> if somewhere something
> believes the screen is actually deeper that it really is by an inch or two.  
> Any ideas how to fix this?  Any ideas how to get the gnome-shell to rebuild 
> the "user" file?  Any ideas at all?

I'll answer part of your question for which I got the answer by 

The "user" file returns with the single icon since the "user" file is read into 
memory at login and then apparently written out at logout.  I don't know if 
this is done unconditionally or if the logout process first checks for the 
existence of the file.

If you were to logout, then use ssh to login to the system and delete that file 
it will be recreated on login to GNOME but with a set of default applications 
what are stored someplace in the system files. 

FWIW, the max number I can add is 22 and get really tiny almost unrecognizable 
icond.  If I add more, they seem to get added but other potentially disappear.  
Kind of late in my day.

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