Yes, as Doug says, if the purpose is to convert markdown to html
rather than work on the Python module its best to use one of the many
programs that convert markdown rather than trying to run a Python
module, there are lots, many with extensions that are generally
considered essential these days to at least match Github Markdown, eg
Pandoc (which has windows installer IIUC) etc


On Thu, 22 Dec 2022 at 14:49, Doug Henderson via Users
<> wrote:
> Vigil,
> Try
> > py -m pip install -U Markdown
> > Markdown -version
> Markdown: discount (master)2.2.7
> Then in geany, use
> Markdown -o %e.html %f
> If this doesn't work, then create a command file e.g. "mkdn.cmd" with:
> @echo off
> markdown %1 %2
> and put it in a folder in your path. Add any Markdown options in this
> file. And put
> mkdn %e %f.html
> in geany.
> This assumes that the python scripts folder, where Markdown got
> installed is in your path. If not, use the full path, with double
> quotes, if necessary, into the command or into geany.
> BTW, you can also try markdown2, in a similar way with the second line
> of the command file being:
> markdown2 %1 > %2
> and
> mkdn %e %.html
> in geany.
> Note: I have not tested this myself. Instead, I use a markdown plugin
> in Notepad++, despite using Geany for almost all other editing.
> Doug
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2022 at 12:25 PM Virgil Arrington via Users
> <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> >
> >
> > I am using Geany 1.37 with Windows 11. I wish to build an html file from a 
> > markdown source file. In the Build > Set Build Commands dialog, I typed in 
> > the following command:
> >
> >
> >
> > python -m markdown %f > %e.html
> >
> >
> >
> > When I click on the build command in the Build drop down menu, the markdown 
> > file compiles, but the output is displayed in the Compile window at the 
> > bottom of the screen. I can see all of the html code just fine, but the 
> > output is NOT put into the desired html file. It’s as if Geany stops 
> > reading the build command after it gets to the “%f”.
> >
> >
> >
> > I have replaced the %f and %e with actual file names, but it still doesn’t 
> > output to a file. If I run the same command from a DOS command window 
> > separately from Geany, everything works just fine and I get the desired 
> > html file. But it doesn’t work from within Geany. It appears as if Geany is 
> > not recognizing the “>” character which I believe should output the html 
> > code into the %e.html file.
> >
> >
> >
> > Is there other syntax I should use to tell Geany to build the source file 
> > into an output file? If I recall correctly, I had successfully done this in 
> > the past with Geany on a Linux computer, but since I switched to Windows 
> > 11, I haven’t been able to get Geany to output to a file.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks for any help y’all can provide.
> >
> >
> >
> > Virgil
> >
> >
> >
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