Hi Martin,

thank you very much for sharing the super succinct list of topics you are taking into focus. Those items are perfectly consistent with the plans laid out so far. So they will appear almost verbatim at the road map.

These are my topics so far for the new year (roughly in order of priority):

* Base-hw multimedia performance
   * Optimizing the latency of prioritized threads on base-hw.
   * Adding support for tracing base-hw kernel threads via the TRACE
   * Re-structuring the base-hw scheduler in order to be easier to
     maintain and more performant with many priority levels.

These improvements are extremely valuable for anything multimedia on the PinePhone. I perceive the combination of the massively complex Chromium engine with low-latency real-time workload (audio streaming) on this resource-constrained platform as the ultimate reality test for Genode and the base-hw kernel in particular. So your interest in kernel scheduling and tracing is much appreciated.

* CBE block encryption
   * Cleaning up and consolidating the CBE-related VFS plugins.
   * Re-writing the CBE library in C++ in order to make it maintainable
     for the majority of Genode developers that are not into Ada/SPARK.
   * Fix known issues with the CBE resizing/rekeying mechanisms and
     making a plan for a self-resizing CBE.
   * Letting the File-Vault provide access to all features of the CBE.

After CBE has received little attention for some time, I'm happy you are going to pick it up to eventually unleash its full potential. I'm looking forward to see the file vault taking its place as integrated feature of the mobile version of Sculpt.

* Networking
   * Bringing WireGuard to PinePhone Sculpt and integrating it as mobile
     VPN network back end.
   * Keeping up with the introduction of IPv6 in Genode and applying it
     for the NIC router.
   * Cleaning up the socket FS VFS-plugin.

These points are all very much in line with Christian's ambitions.

Thanks again for the sensible plan. 2023 seems to become a fruitful year. ;-)


Dr.-Ing. Norman Feske
Genode Labs

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