Hi Zachary,

>    Genode::Env& _env;
>    Tutorial::Child server{_env, "server", _registry };
>    Tutorial::Child client{_env, "client", _registry};
>    Main(Genode::Env& env) : _env(env)
>    {
>    }

Disregard if I'm off-base here, as I'm not clear on the C++ semantics of the 
Is it guaranteed that the "env" reference above, will be initialized correctly 
being passed to server/client ? I guess what I'm asking is, is the ctor 
init-list executed
first, and the "inline" inits second, or is it the reverse ?

In my code I tend to avoid mixing both types of init in the same class, so I'm 
not clear on what happens if they're mixed.
If that's the culprit and "env" is passed non-initialized to the children, that 
might explain the
null-pointer crash that seems to follow. Though you mention a blockage rather 
than a crash,
so I'm maybe just lookin at this wrong.


> [1] https://gist.github.com/zgzollers/48181fbc2dac6e51015602c6329593f9

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