Hello Python Community,

We're pleased to announce the release of IronPython 2.6 Beta 1.  As you might 
imagine, this release is all about supporting new CPython 2.6 features such as 
the 'bytes' and 'bytearray' types (PEP 3112), decorators for classes (PEP 
3129), advanced string formatting (PEP 3101), etc and as such includes nearly 
all of the new Python 2.6 features.  The small number of remaining features 
will be implemented for Beta 2.  The minimum .NET version required for this 
release is the same as IronPython 2.0; namely .NET 2.0 Service Pack 1.

There've also been several new features added: ctypes, sys._getframe, pyc for 
pre-compilation, and improved help.  Ctypes provides access to C-based APIs and 
provides a way for Python developers to optimize performance or access 
libraries that would otherwise be unavailable.  sys._getframe is commonly used 
by Python programs to introspect the call stack and can now be enabled with the 
-X:Frames and -X:FullFrames command line options;  for better compatibility 
with programs that check for the presence of sys._getframe it is now not 
available unless these options are provided.  The pyc.py pre-compiler is now 
shipped with IronPython and is available in the Tools\Scripts directory.  
Finally the help of many builtin functions and types has been improved by 
including IronPython.xml and IronPython.Modules.xml.

Another focus has been on improving startup time of large applications.  This 
release accomplishes that through the adaptive compilation feature announced 
with 2.6 Alpha 1 and also includes many other enhancements to reduce the amount 
of code generation required to start applications.  But only do these 
improvements help large applications but they also significantly speed up basic 
hello worlds startup time.

As usual we've also fixed a large number of bugs for this release.  We'd like 
to thank everyone who took the time to report them: atifaziz, Anders M. 
Mikkelsen, cjacobs, Dan Eloff, davec, fwereade, gjones, hhonisch, jdhardy, 
Kevin Chu, Kyle Howland-Rose, leppie, Mark Rees, orestis, RuiDC, Seo Sanghyeon, 
soulfry, tatwright, ufechner, and wilberforce.

There's also a few minor changes since IronPython 2.0.1 that are worth calling 
out here:

*         Binaries are ngen'd for both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms on install 
by default

*         IronPython.msi now offers a little more selection with respect to 
what you'd like to install.  For example, Silverlight templates are optional

*         The default installation location of IronPython.msi no longer 
indicates whether the 2.6 release is an Alpha, Beta, or a patched release.  
Future IronPython 2.6 installations will replace previous 2.6 releases which 
will be uninstalled automatically

*         The -X:PreferComInteropAssembly flag has been removed.  All COM 
interop is now done through normal COM dispatch

You can download IronPython 2.6 Beta 1 at: 

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