Michael Foord wrote:
Here is an example of getting a byte array from a binary pickle in IronPython:

>>> import pickle
>>> class A(object):
...  b = 'hello'
...  c = (None, 'fish', 7.2, 7j)
...  a = {1: 2}
>>> p = pickle.dumps(A(), protocol=2)
>>> p
>>> from System import Array, Byte
>>> a = Array[Byte](tuple(Byte(ord(c)) for c in p))
>>> a
Array[Byte]((<System.Byte object at 0x0000000000000033 [128]>, <System.Byte obje...

And the converse:

>>> p2 = ''.join(chr(c) for c in a)
>>> a2 = pickle.loads(p2)
>>> a2
<A object at 0x000000000000004E>
>>> a2.a
{1: 2}
>>> a2.b
>>> a2.c
(None, 'fish', 7.2, 7j)


I hope this is at least slightly helpful. :-)


My basic issue is that the 'str' unavoidably implies certain semantics when calling .NET APIs from IronPython. These APIs interpret str as text rather than just bytes, which therefore gets transformed by various text encodings, such as UTF-8 to UTF-16. Such encodings are undesirable for my pickled data since the result is no longer necessarily a valid pickle. I suppose the intention in Python 3.0 is that 'bytes' doesn't carry any semantics with it,
its just data, which is why pickle.dumps() in Python 3.0 returns bytes
rather than str.

I want to push plain old byte arrays into the database from both CPython and
IronPython, so I can avoid any head-scratching confusion with database
adapters and/or databases inappropriately encoding or decoding my data.

For example "data = [ord(c) for c in some_string]" has behaved as expected many times for me in IronPython (and could help you turn strings into bytes).

Thanks. I'll try something based on that.

Is this a theoretical problem at this stage or an actual problem?

Its an actual problem with SQLiteParameter.Value from the SQLite ADO.NET
provider. I think our original CPython code is a bit sloppy with respect to the distinction between text strings and byte arrays, so I'll probably need
to tighten things up on both sides.

Would you agree tha using unicode() and bytes() everywhere and avoiding
str() gives code that has the same meaning in Python 2.6, IronPython 2.6 and Python 3.0? Do you think this would be a good guideline to follow until we
can leave Python 2.x behind?

Many thanks,



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