Does everything basically work for you if you tell VS to build to target 3.5?  
What I expect you'll find is that you can just build and "target 3.5" and it'll 
all work on someone's machine w/ 2.0 installed.  The important thing to watch 
out for is not adding references to assemblies that aren't available in 2.0 
(such as System.Core.dll).  But otherwise the underlying CLR and .NET framework 
is the same so it doesn't really matter which version you target.  This is 
basically what we do when we build IronPython ourselves - our projects all have 
the tools version set to 3.5.

[] On Behalf Of Justin Regele
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 1:31 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] clarification on current state of embedding

No. I can run ipy.exe. I've successfully run embedded scripts, I've ported my 
python app to IPy in Visual Studio and worked through the needed modifications. 
I did need to install the 2.0 sdk at one point, since suddenly things just 
'broke' on day when i turned on my computer. Probably an update did something?

Anyway, I must target 2.0 for this solution, but I can't get the DLR assemblies 
to load unless I'm at 3.5.

Can anyone foresee any reason why building IronPython from source targetted at 
2.0 wouldn't solve this?

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Curt Hagenlocher 
<<>> wrote:
Are you getting an error when you run ipy.exe that tells you that SP1 is 
needed? If not, then you already have it installed. IIRC, 2.0SP1 was pushed out 
through Windows Update.

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Justin Regele 
<<>> wrote:
Yeah, I thought it was strange too. To be sure, I just downloaded the x64 .net 
2.0 Sp1 installer again, ran it and here is the reason it errors:

"This product is not supported on Vista Operating System".

There you have it.
I'm grabbing the x86 sp1 and going to see if that one works.
On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 12:59 PM, Michael Foord 
<<>> wrote:
Justin Regele wrote:
This makes sense, although I am still confused as to why problems keep creeping 
up to me. I am on Vista, though, and so I think my problem is that while I 
installed 2.0, I cannot instal SP1. The server my code will run on is still on 
2.0 until the new system is rolled out, which may be 6 months from now.

I built all my IPy libs for 2.0, but when I added a C# project to wrap the 
embedded program and targetted 2.0 all the assemblies say they require 3.5. If 
I add them anyway, the Microsoft scripting assemblies can't be found. No such 
errors or warning about the IronPython assemblies, although I'm back to 'Python 
does not exist in the current context', even though I've got the assemblies 
loaded and using IronPython.Hosting.

After trudging through this weirdness for a bit now, I'm realizing that the 
issue most likely comes from running a x64 version of Vista, while IronPython 
is in the x86 program files.

IronPython is pure .NET code. It is independent of 32/64 bitness.

It may be that to get .NET 2 SP1 on vista you actually need to install .NET 
3.5? Seems odd though.


I'm going to bulid IronPython from source for 2.0 and see if that fixes the 

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:00 AM, Lepisto, Stephen P 
<<>>> wrote:

   >From MSDN (

   "Differences Between .NET Framework Versions
   All three versions of the .NET Framework are based on version 2.0
   of the CLR. The versions of the .NET Framework differ from each
   other in the list of assemblies that each makes available for you
   to reference in your projects. For example, LINQ is a new
   technology that is included in Visual Studio 2008. .NET Framework
   3.5 is the only version of the .NET Framework that has
   LINQ-related assemblies. Therefore, you cannot use LINQ unless
   your project specifically targets .NET Framework 3.5. Similarly,
   Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is included in Windows
   Vista. You cannot build WPF applications unless your project
   targets .NET Framework 3.0 and later versions of the .NET Framework."

   In addition, .Net 3.0 changed the compiler to add support for
   lambdas in C#, although the resulting code can still run on .Net
   2.0 runtime.  The lambdas are converted to anonymous functions by
   the compiler.  There may be other "syntactic sugar" changes as well.

   In Visual Studio, when you select the target runtime, you are
   primarily telling Visual Studio (and the underlying .Net compiler
   tools) to filter out elements from later versions of .Net.  Of
   course, if you include a reference to a .Net 3.5 assembly, you
   have to make sure .Net 3.5 is installed on the target system.

   -----Original Message-----
 On Behalf Of Michael
   Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 4:49 AM
   To: Discussion of IronPython
   Subject: Re: [IronPython] clarification on current state of embedding

   Justin Regele wrote:
   > This brings up another question I've encountered. My
   understanding was
   > that IPy had problems with 3.5, and so I have been targeting
   2.0. But
   > when I try to reference the IronPython and Microsoft.Scripting
   > assemblies, Visual Studio says I need 3.5

   I've created many projects in Visual Studio referencing IronPython
   assemblies and targeting .NET 2.0. Which means I don't know what is
   wrong, but it *should* work fine... :-)

   Michael Foord
   > On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 6:05 PM, Curt Hagenlocher
   > <<> 
<<>>>> wrote:
   >     Good point!
   >     On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 5:12 PM, Michael Foord
   >     <<>
   <<>>>> wrote:
   >         Curt Hagenlocher wrote:
   >             ...except through the hosting API *and through the
   new C#
   >             dynamic functionality in .NET 4.0*.
   >         And how do you get to the classes to use them with the new
   >         dynamic functionality if it isn't through the hosting API?
   >         What you do with them once you get them is your own business
   >         of course...
   >         Michael
   >             On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Michael Foord
   >             <<>
   >                Justin Regele wrote:
   >                    What is the status of referencing IPy libraries
   >             compiled to
   >                    dlls by other CLR languages? Google turned up
   >             as of 1.1
   >                    you had to use the embedding/hosting api's, since
   >             the dlls
   >                    were not compatible with say C# assemblies.
   There were
   >                    allusions made to this being changed.
   >                You can't access Python classes except through the
   >             hosting API.
   >                There are no (public) plans for this to change
   >             soon.
   >                Michael
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