Dino Viehland wrote:
#2 I'd guess could be either that for some reason we're failing to
detect the presence of __del__ or that when we run the finalizer cleanup
that we believe it's part of cyclic trash and don't think we should cleanup.
Of those I'd think it'd be the cyclic trash detection that'd be most
likely to go wrong.

I'd suggest putting a break point or some logging in
PythonOps.InitializeForFinalization and in WeakRefTracker's finalizer
and see what's happening there.

In PythonOps.InitializeForFinalization, I see 2 InstanceFinalizers created for each object; one after the stub __new__, and one after the real __new__. Each IF creates a WeakRefTracker as expected; in both cases, the second WRT (and only the second one) is subsequently GC.SuppressFinalized in SetFinalizerWorker. However, in the broken cases, the WRT finalizer just never gets called.

I'll keep hunting, but it seemed worth posting this in case it rang any bells.


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