On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 09:43:50AM -0600, Jeff Hardy wrote:
>There are some issues with Django still; I don't think they're
>impossible to solve. I wouldn't try 0.96; it's too old to be worth
>bothering with, and it doesn't work either.
>I'd like to help more, but I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment - sorry.

I hear you and know the feeling, I too have other stuff to worry about,
pretty much on the border of how much I'd like to worry about :)

I got some news off the irc channel (if you're reading this, thanks!)

Apparently there were import-related bugs in the latest release that
broke pygments, and that it's currently fixed in the vcs, so I could
try to build from there. "I'll see what I can do" with that :)

This gives me hope, and I'll be looking into it either when I have time
or when the next release, rc or b3, comes out.

BTW, any hints on when that might be due?

Anyway, I'll tell you which way it goes, don't worry about that :D



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