On 11/03/2010 17:11, Ken MacDonald wrote:
Hi, I have an app with a popup containing a listbox. I want to dynamically add a few items to the listbox and found code in a number of places which does something like:

            listbox.Items.Add(ListItem("Special", 11))
            listbox.Items.Add(ListItem("Regular", 19))

However, I can't find the proper import so that it finds ListItem. On MSDN it shows as being in

from System.Web.UI.WebControls import ListItem

That's for ASP - is that what you are using?

but I get "can't import UI"

You will need to add a reference to its containing assembly before you can import it.

So, anyone know how to do this?

Also, I'm concerned that next time (if I ever get it working first time) I come to this popup, it will contain the items I had added previously; how does one go about clearing the whole listbox?




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