I'm working on a test Silverlight app using Gestalt and IronPython
2.6.1. I've got a local copy of gestalt-20100305 with the assemblies
in the IronPython.slvx & Microsoft.Scripting.slvx file replaced with
the ones from IronPython 2.6.1.

When trying to attach an event using

    document.hello.events.onclick += hello_onclick

I get a "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'onclick'"
error, because 'events' is None. Using


works as expected.

The 'document.<id>.events.<whatever>' notation is still the example in
the Gestalt documentation, and if I use dlr-latest.js from
gestalt.ironpython.net, it works just fine. I need to use IronPython
2.6.1, however, to access isolated storage.

- Jeff
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