On 26/07/2010 23:51, Tony Meyer wrote:

I guess this is more complex than I thought.

Is anyone able to simply confirm that they are able to get a simple
script like this (using gestalt.ironpython.net) working?  At least if
I know that it's theoretically possible, I can try and figure out what
I'm doing wrong.

Are you trying to view the html file direct off the filesystem? You still need to serve it for it to work, even if it is only locally. You can use chiron to do this. Sorry if this has already been suggested.

All the best,



On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 10:03 PM, Tony Meyer<tony.me...@gmail.com>  wrote:

I'm trying to get a simple Silverlight example working using the
gestalt.ironpython.net method, and I'm having some difficulty -
basically nothing happens ("Loading..." shows, of course, but nothing
else).  The javascript file does get loaded, and I have let it sit for
a long time in case it was just excessively slow.

I've tried the HTML below in Safari 5, Firefox 3.5.3, Chrome 5.0 (OS X
10.5), IE 7 (Windows Server 2003) and IE 8 (Windows XP SP2 - yes, yes,
I know it should be updated!).  Both have the latest version of
Silverlight (as determined by Silverlight itself).

Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong?


        <script type="text/javascript"
        <div id="message">Loading...</div>
        <script type="text/python">
            document.message.innerHTML = "Hello from IronPython!"
            def on_click(obj, args):
                obj.innerHTML = "Clicked!"
            document.message.events.onclick += onclick

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