On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 9:12 AM, Bill Dines <wdi...@longview.com> wrote:
> 3. Is anyone currently working on the IPy tools specifically?  There are
> quite a lot of bugs right now unfortunately and many of them would need
> to be fixed if we were to use it.  Note that my company may be willing
> to provide some resource in that area if we decide to proceed, but we
> don't have much experience with VS extensions so we may need some
> guidance.

Addressing this specifically - Microsoft is maintaining their own
Python Tools for Visual Studio ("new" tools), which is a descendant of
IronPython Tools ("old" tools). The new tools support CPython as well
as IronPython and are being developed by full-time staff at MS (Dino
V, who wrote the original IronPython tools).

This puts the future of the old tools in a tough spot, since any work
on them would be a duplicate of the new tools. If the legal beagles at
MS can be convinced to allow them to take contributions back into
Python Tools (the source is available, but like IronPython of old,
they can't accept outside code), then the old tools will get critical
updates, but I'll point people at the new tools for production work.

Take a look at the new tools (http://pytools.codeplex.com/) and see if
they're a better fit for what you're trying to do.

- Jeff
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